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Good renting habit

The purpose of a good lease habit is to help create a non-problematic and functional rental. The rental contracts are emphasize with the trust of the contract partners for each other.The landlord disposes of his apartment for another use and the tenant base their home in a leased apartment.
The long-term nature of the contractual relationship with possible unforeseen changes emphasizes the loyalty and openness of the parties to each other. Here is a summary of the guidelines, which you can find at the bottom of the page in its entirety.

Transparency and interaction
Rental is conducted according to fair game rules and the procedures take into account the views of both parties. Possible special conditions (eg smoking ban and maintenance responsibility) must be clearly stated in the rental announcement. It is important for the contractual relationship to be in contact with the contract partners. To ensure interaction, the parties will ensure that contact information is up to date when the lease is in progress.
The tenant's primary obligation is to pay the rent agreed in full at the latest on the due date. A good rent requires that the tenant notifies the landlord of the rental fee right after they appear.

Making a contract
Good rental requires that a lease is always made in writing. An electronic lease is also a written agreement.

The tenant's security secures the rental fee, careful management of the apartment, and other obligations related to the tenancy. For clarity
it is good to note in the lease that the collateral is provided in order to secure all the contractual obligations.

Rent increase
The rent is determined according to what has been agreed between the lessor and the tenant. Under the law, rent may be increased by contract only if the relevant condition is entered into the lease.

The tenant should always take out home insurance, as required by the landlord or contractor. Tenant home insurance, which is part of legal protection and liability insurance, is wise to consider part of the cost of housing.
Treatment of leased space
According to the law, the tenant must carefully manage the rented space and the equipment and furniture in the room. If the tenant finds in his apartment a fault that can cause damage, he or she must take the necessary measures to prevent damage. This may mean protection or notification to the authority, company representative or landlord.

Renovations by tenant
According to the law, the tenant has no right to make alterations or repairs in leased premises without the landlord's permission. Such permissible work is considered to be the other
including painting, wallpapering and replacing solid furniture. If the tenant is allowed to make alterations or repairs in the apartment, he must first agree in writing for the replacement of work and materials.
The lessee must at an agreed time allow the landlord to come to check the alterations or repairs made. Likewise, it is necessary to agree on the timing of the reimbursement, as well as to give details about how the change or repair work will be carried out (timetable, materials, factors, supervisors, quality level)

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